a scrap book of sorts
We are two best friends: Sarah and Lara.
We have been collaging together since we were in kindergarten. From hilroy to apple, the medium has changed but the message remains the same.
We get by with a little help from our friends,
the biz-biz
Weird I don't remember the banana. It must have been the drunk fairies.
hmmm. tough call on spit.
oh yeah. i got a gmail account now.
These photos create such a force that it is completely overwhelming to try and comment on them individually ... lets just say the trip was super-duper cool. That being said I felt it neccessary (commonly mis-spelled word page??) to let you know that Sarah+Moustache+Banana is
a) disturbingly sexual
b) makes me laugh aloud at the computer screen
c) this is a big one .. my very very favorite photo of pantz ever ... and i have alot.
I have decided I need a copy, please have your people call my people on the double, I need to have it mounted.
You think I'm kidding
but I'm not .....
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