Cliché- From the French Clicher, to stereotype or to make a reproduction of something by stamping. A cliché is a trite or overused expression, the lack of which work make conversation difficult and pop music impossible. The most familiar of these- such as “I love you”- are precious enough to be kept in vaults, from which they are occasionally dragged howling. Poet-adventurer Gerald Brenan called the cliché “dead poetry”. Perhaps, instead, it is undead.
-69 LOVE SONGS, LD Beghtol
Other Cliches:
funny money
labor of love
every Tom, Dick and Harry
Put a fork in me, I'm done.
face the music
monkey around
tomorrow is another day
Can you think of any?
a wolf in dogs clothing...does that count?
not to put all my eggs in one basket, because a bird in the hand is as good as two in the bush, I use cliche's like they're going out of style, really, I'm in there like a dirty shirt, but before the pot calls any kettle black, at the end of the day your guess is as good as mine why played out words on the street become meaningless (aka as useless as tits on a bull) yet useful at the same time.
"Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print."
I know there's a lot of fish in the sea, but when you catch your quota head for shore (may only be a Cowbay cliche)...
RRRRRRRrrrrespect BBQ! Brap brap brap! Winnipeg massive
all the way home
does that one count?
pulling a jason?
What's pulling a jason? Nobody ever pulls Jason.
'pulling a jason' = being cool and funny
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